705.494.9416 | staff@literacynipissing.ca
204 Main Street East, Suite 100 North Bay, ON P1B 1B1
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am - 4:00pm
A GED replacement has been announced! Coming in summer of 2024, the GED will be replaced by the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) The CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma but need an education credential for employment, post secondary or training, more information will be posted as more details emerge. https://ged.ilc.org/
Literacy Nipissing is available to help prepare you for writing the new CAEC, we have preparation classes available for adults age 18 and older in the Nipissing District.
Contact us today at 705-494-9416 or email staff@literacynipissing.ca to see how we can help you to prepare for your future.
705.494.9416 | staff@literacynipissing.ca
204 Main Street East, Suite 100 North Bay, ON P1B 1B1
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am - 4:00pm
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